2 packs for jelly powder.*
1 liter of water**
4,5 dl cream***
Some raspberries
1 pack of chocolate****
4 eggs
150g sugar
150g flour
1 tsp baking powder
You also need something juicy like juice from a fruit, or a can or something.*****
* It depends on how big the package is of jelly powder, but make sure you got around enough for 10 person/10 dl if you are gonna make the decorations. If you skip the decorations you only need 5 dl! The taste is really up to you, but I used raspberry taste, since the berries are the same.
** This depends on how much water the jelly powder needs. If it says more or less water, add more or less..
*** If you got more cream then 4,5 dl, you can use that on the side of the cake and then have chocolate on the side instead of on the top, like I did.
**** What type of chocolate, depends on what you want. I just regular chocolate. I also bough some chocolate decorations from the store, just to give it more touch. You can use half of the other chocolate, melt it and make it into your own decorations.
***** By adding juice on the layers, the cake wouldn't become so dry. The jelly isn't exactly so juicy.
How to make the layers:
- Set the oven on 180 degrease Celsius / 356 degrease Fahrenheit
- Begin with adding the sugar and the eggs into a bowl. Mix it till it feels high and almost all the sugar is gone.
- Add the baking powder and the flour, and mix it all together.
- Add it into a baking pan. I used a circle one.
- Place it in the oven for 30-35 minutes. When it's done, you take it out and let it rest
While the cake it resting, you can make the jelly. This really depends on what you bough and what it says about how to make it. In my country we got these small package which each package it enough for 5 person. So I needed 2 of does, since I wanted some jelly heart decorations as well!
When you are done with the jelly, let it cool down for a little bit in the fridge, but DO NOT let it get stiff!! If you want some jelly hearts like I did, now it's a good time to make does (since they needs to get stiff). You can use a baking pan, like I did, or you can use a cookie cutter.
How to make the cake:
- Take the cream and wisp it into a good, solid and tight cream. Add 5dl of jelly, and mix it really good. You will probably think you destroyed the cream and everything, since it's turning out so flowing, but don't panic. That's how it should be.
- Take the cake you have made and cut them into three layers. Place the first layer in the baking pan, add some juice on it, and place some of the jelly and cream on it.
- Continue doing this to all the layers, and let the rest of the jelly and cream on the top.
- Put it in the fridge, and let it get stiff.

How I decorated:
- After the cake and jelly hearts had turned stiff, I took them out of the fridge.
- I took a knife and cut around the ages so the cake would not be sticky when I would open the baking pan.
- Place the jelly hearts on the cake, and add the berries in the middle.
- Slice up the chocolate the way I wanted and added it around the edges. + The chocolate decorations in the middle.
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