Saturday, 31 July 2010

Happy Lesson

Happy Lesson is about a boy / student who inherits a large house of his parents. He has a sister who's songs and a little sister living with big sister. He is a bit lonely in the house so he let his teachers to live in his house, but there must be a secret because otherwise it can go bad for teachers.

Since the teachers stay with him, they help him to get up in the morning to go to school, cook for him, clean and wash house. He said even at the end of the anime that had it not been for them, he would had dropped out of school and no one would show how it would go with him.

Since teachers are like a mother to him, he calls them "mother" and they can always find an excuse to have a party!

At school there is a president, and it is a girl. She is in love with main character in this anime, but it's very difficult for her to tell it to him. He is very cold and dismissive, and she is of course disappointed, but it isn't stoping her. In the end, she finds out he has a secret, and do it mostly to find out. How it ends, I'm not going to tell!

Finish should I not tell anything about, but I can tell my opinion about it. Because this was a fun anime, not so tension-filled, but fun, so expect not just big end. I had no expectations about the end, because the anime was just fun to watch, at least I could not imagine how one would be. Although I failed it was the end still fun and easy. You do not sit back with a lot of questions, and it was actually a very nice way to end an anime on.

So I will not quit rate: 10/10!

The song that big sister song I must say honestly that it was terrible for my taste. My taste, nothing more to say about it.

Grade: 1 / 10

The whole anime's ranking: 8/10

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

The story starts with a father on the run with his son from his divorced wife.
When they arrive in a city to stop for refueling, find the boy (the son) a kitten and will keep it.His father says that it is too dangerous to bring a cat, and it does not take long for Helpers to his wife finds them and the hunt continues.

They run into a trash place where there are many damaged cars. Unfortunately, they crash the car into many other cars, and they fall over the car they are sitting in. Helpers to his wife starts to shoot, but they think for one moment that they are dead. They're wrong.

When the father asks his son if he's alright, he sees the boy cry. They did not hit them when they fired, they hit the cat.Since her son was so upset, his father decided to build a robot that was half "human", half cat. She was called Nuku Nuku.

Nuku Nuku er ikke en vanlig robot. Hun hjelper rundt om i huset. Hun hjelper sønnen med å komme seg opp om morgenen, hun lager mat og vasker, ja hun er nesten som en mor, men det er ikke det som er uvanlig. hun har noe som man nærmest kan kalle "superkrefter". Hun kan løpe kjempefort og er utrolig sterk, og det er vel godt å ha når man har en gal mor etter seg, ikke sant?

Although her mother is out to get quality time with her son, she always follows him through satellite or something. When he is at school, she is always home to contrive out plans to get her son back, but the color works
as a teacher in the same class as his son.

So the rest of the anime is just about the mother who tries everything she can to get some quality time with his son. This may sound terribly boring, but it is actually very funny!

If you ask me, I think this anime is very funny! It is not exactly exciting, unless you are curious about how the anime will end.

I give this anime: 8 / 10

Monday, 26 July 2010

Found a blog with marzipan cakes!

It's maybe a Norwegian page/blog, but it's a very nice blog. Take a look!

Annother marzipan recipe!

In a bowl, take one and a half package cream.

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

So mixing the cream until it is fluffy and good.

Begin then with the cake base. Cut it into 3 parts

Go through with the knife in the cake bottom several times, so the cake will not taste dry, it will attract moisture from the cream and fruit as we will later on ...

Cover well with cream.

Put the nuts on.

So you have the raspberry jam and fruit cocktails, not just beautiful sight but it tastes delicious.

Wear Part 2 of the cake base.

Second floor of the cake base to be filled with lots of raspberry jam, when it is between two plates with lots of cream, it will not be sweet, but fresh and delicious.

Please click well with cream and serve well on the edges / sides as well.

Put the nuts and fruit, and take the fork o go through the two cake so that the cake base does not taste dry.

Put the fruit on the bottom 2 also as the base 1

Keep your bottom paragraph 3
Cover well with cream.

Jam on the bottom 3 as well, not on fruits and nuts on the floor 3, because of it shall be marzipan, otherwise it will be cumbersome on top.

Remove from marzipan distribution.

Use hands and make it as a ball.

Then, as a rothi.

So the rolling-pin like a great naan.

Put it on the cake, gently

Cut away extra marzipan.

The remains of marzipan, you can use as a garnish / shoes on the cake.

To make roses need confectionery color red.
Do not confuse as much color otherwise it will be knæsj, and it is not good for marzipan cake (I mean then)

Green confectionery color to create leaves and stems on the cake.

I prefer roses on marzipan cake, think it is incredibly good.


(Sorry, it's in Norwegian)