Thursday, 17 May 2012

[Photo] Yesterday; preparation for May 17 (Norway's Constitution Day)

Sorry that I didn't post this yesterday, but I went to sleep at 21 or something so I could get up at 04 am for making cupcakes. (Yes, I actually woke up at 04 am for making cupcakes). Well, today it is Norway's Constitution Day yay!! And I'm so looking forward to it. Since I'm home alone (my parents are at the cabin and my lover is working) I have decide NOT to stay home alone, so I took contact with two of my best friends and we are going to live the day together, hehe.

Here is an ice my parents had bought that I tried. It was okey. 

Since it was my idea to have BBQ and since we were going to be at me, I said I could do the shopping for food. The funny part was that my friend asked me to bye something good to eat, but I was one step ahead and had already bought strawberries!

Since the strawberries was very big, sweet and good and low price, I think I bought to much since we are going to eat BBQ first. So I took some few and had them together with chocolate (since I had very little chocolate from last weekend).

MMM, chocolate and strawberry. Let me tempt you!

Well, so this was what I did yesterday. I will upload more pictures about today's day, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it tonight or tomorrow. We'll see. I will enjoy my day, so too bad for you, you have to wait! 

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